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Tuesday 10 November 2015

Happy Diwali and Safe Diwali | Top 10 Tips for Diwali.

Happy and Safe Diwali.

Mountain View

Top 10 Tips for Diwali.

Top 10 tips for you to celebrate, stay safe and stay healthy this Diwali.

1. Sweets are hard to resist and during Diwali, when there is plenty of colorful sweets everywhere, it becomes even harder to resist. Remember the fact thatIndians are genetically prone to diabetesand so it is always advisable to keep the intake of sugar and starch minimal.

2. Stay away from sweets that usechemical preservatives, because the intake of such preservatives cancause damage toour kidneys and liver. It can also cause asthma attacks and cancer.

3.Avoid sweets that have ‘silver’ coating. Such foils are oftenadulterated by aluminumand aluminum being a hazardous metal can accumulate in our body tissues and can also enter the brain.

4. In times of increasingair and noise pollutionthat we are witnessing today, it is important that we be responsible while usingfirecrackers. It is good to buy as little firecrackers as possible, because that can help us spend less and can also stop us from polluting our environment.

5. While usingfirecrackers we are definitely faced with the risk of burn injuriesand so a few precautions are necessary. Always wear slippers during your fun time with firecrackers and never try to do anything to a firecracker apart from lighting it from a safe distance. Kids should be allowed to burn firecrackers only under adult supervision.

6. Do not lightfirecrackers in crowded areas or on the roadsides, because that might prove to be dangerous for bystanders and the general public.

7.Wear earplugswhile exposed to explosive firecrackers. It might sound a bit fancy, but if we ignore it the excessive noise might damage our ears in the long run.

8. It is better to say‘No’ to alcohol,as any excess is easily possible on this day of celebration. You can avoid a hangover and also the risk of driving while intoxicated if you must drive your car and visit your friends and family.

9. Diwali is a festival thatbrings a lot of gifts to people, so use the occasion to choose sensible gifts for family and friends. Try gifting fruits or low calorie sweets and snacks instead of ghee-laden sweets.

10. Diwali is also the festival of joy somake it specialespecially if there has been any unpleasantness with your family or friends in your past. Shed all your inhibitions and misgivings and make a fresh start. Wish them a ‘Happy Diwali’.


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